Men’s Friday Coffee
We meet every Friday morning from 9 – 10am at the Rowing Pavilion (4 The Esplanade, Mount Pleasant).
Please contact Brian Stephens (0428 104 564) or Marc Kabay (0432 745 582) for details.

Men’s Cycling Group
We usually meet Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings, currently leaving from Canning Bridge at 6.30am.
Please contact Marc Kabay (0432 745 582) for details.

Craft Group
The MPUC Craft Group meet on the first and third Thursday of each month from 1.30-4pm. We meet at the church hall and in private homes. Join us to enjoy friendship and a lovely afternoon tea as you knit, sew, crochet or craft your unique items.
Contact: Alison Stockman on 0410 467 298 for more information and venue.

Conversational English Classes
Tuesdays, 5.30pm -7.30pm
We are pleased to offer English classes run by Cheryl Gutmanis, a qualified Teacher of English as a Foreign Language.
For more information, or to enrol, please contact Cheryl cherylgutmanis@gmail.com or Gail gg.horne@bigpond.com