1 Coomoora Road, Mount Pleasant WA 6153


There are a wide range of activities and duties that we need help with. Ranging from helping out during Sunday services, volunteering for Koala Kids playgroup, providing meals, gardening to general housekeeping.

If you would like to donate your time and energy to our church community, please get in touch with us.

The following areas are in particular need of helping hands:

  • Worship – We need musicians, singers, people to man the sound desk and the multimedia (training will be provided).
  • Sunday School – More teachers and leaders are needed for primary to high school aged youth programs at our 10am service.
  • Prayer – We offer prayer for anyone in need after each service and need more people to help with this. There are usually two people doing this duty.
  • Communion – Held every first Sunday of each month, teams of two provide and prepare the bread and juice and set up the table before the service and keep everything after.